Tips for baby care

Baby's care .Every new born babies are precious gift of god and their skin is so soft, gentle and beautiful that everyone desires to touch it. But this may harm your baby�s skin in many ways. The skin of a newborn baby is extremely sensitive. It is so susceptible and may cause several skin problems like dryness, eczema, acne and skin rashes so new baby needs a lot of skin care. While taking care of newborn baby skin, there are quite a few things to remember. Some steps to know about the best skin care you can provide for your baby.

Use only Baby products.
The most baby�s products are a reason for the development of bacterial infections in babies. All Parents should make sure that they keep their child away from harmful chemicals like hard soaps, lotions and anything that contains dyes and fragrances. Because these chemicals will decrease the bacteria and skin dryness, allergies and other infections.

Select good oils and lotions.
Oil massage is very relieving and effective for newborn babies, but some parents usually make mistakes in choosing the right baby oil. Some of the products like Herbal healing oils and lotions should be preferred over mineral oils, which can harm your baby�s skin. And also chamomile, olive oil, almond oil and aloe oils are best suited for babies.

Baby bath:
A newborn baby does not required daily bath. Too much soap and water can cause skin irritations and allergies, it is harmful advisable to only sponge bath your baby with lukewarm water twice or thrice a day. Always dry up the skin with a soft cloth to clean up any residue. In case of dryness, a baby moisturizer can be applied to maintain the natural moisture balance of the skin.

Baby Clothing:
Regularly baby�s clothing must be changed this would not allow dust to get in contact with your baby. And do not dress your baby in tight clothes.

Women's Foot and Nail Care.

Foot and Nail Care is the one of the best beauty care for every woman. When your feet are clean and soft, you enjoy the happiness of the world. Your feet become very hard and it shows the rough, calloused skin on the heels needs regular moisturizing or it may become dry and cracked. The moist skin between the toes is prone to athlete�s foot. Even the skin on the tops of the feet is vulnerable, it can get sunburned if not protected from ultraviolet radiation.

Simple tips for a foot care nail.
First keep the feet in warm water for at least 10 minutes with the help of mild soap clean the toenails and the skin around the nails. And when it becomes dry, then apply mild antiseptic or olive oil or tea tree oil. Gently massage the feet with these substances. Apply orange wood stick to push back the toenail cuticles. In this way also you would get relief from infection and bacteria. Don�t trim the toenails in a curved shape. Try to trim them straight across. Please avoid trimming them too short, otherwise you may experience ingrown nails. Keep the nails clean and free from any dirt.

Moisturize your feet everyday.
Put lotion or foot cream on as a part of your routine. One way to achieve soft, moisturized feet is to rub on some lotion or petroleum jelly before bed. When you wake up in the morning, you'll find that your feet are very soft and are free from dryness.

Taking good care of your feet will prevent you from getting foot conditions such as Athlete's foot or other fungal infections. No matter what the season is, it is always important to keep your feet and toenails in tip-top condition. During the hotter months, your feet are constantly visible due to footwear choices such as sandals and slippers, so it would be a good idea to keep them looking fabulous and presentable.

Tips: How to Apply Lipstick and Lip Liner

Lipstick adds the final touch to a woman in any makeup application. Lining the lips thats creates fine definition and perfect shape to the lips. 

  • Select your lipstick color. You'll do well with colors that match the natural shade of your lips, opting for darker tones that complement your overall coloring. Matte lipsticks offer a muted finish complementary to workday makeup, while satin and gloss finishes offer appealing evening looks.
  • Apply all other makeup while before putting on lipstick and lip liner.
  • Apply very small amount of lip balm or petroleum jelly to give your lips a little moisture.
  • Draw a thin line along the edge of your lips with a lip liner whose color is one shade darker than your lipstick, after that Start at the center of the upper lip and work outward. 
  • Then Hug the very outer edges to open up thin lips, and then line well within the edges to downplay excessively full lips.
  • Apply lipstick from the tube or by using a small lipstick brush. Coat the lips evenly. Pay special attention to staying within the lips' edges.
  • Blot to remove any excess color and to even out the texture.
  • Remember to touch lips up after a meal, as lipstick easily transfers onto cups, water bottles.

Tips To Preventing Stretch Marks in Pregnancy

Beauty Tips: Information to Preventing Stretch Marks in Pregnancy

At the time of pregnant you know that you and your body want to face a lot of changes. Your stomach stretches and swells where other places just aren't the same size that they used to be. But it is importance it to know that soon you will be holding that precious land handsome little child in your arms. Most of the researcher�s proclaimed that the likelihood of you getting stretch marks during pregnancy will amplify if your mother had stretch marks during pregnancy. Let us observe some good quality tips on preventing stretch marks during pregnancy.

Stretch Marks in Pregnancy

Consume a healthy well reasonable diet and drink ample amount of water. Speedy weight increase is a familiar cause of stretch marks and is unhealthy for you and your baby. Eating right at some stage in pregnancy can aid you keep your weight gain below control. Talk with your doctor regarding how much weight you should achieve during time of your pregnancy. Just for the reason that you are eating for two doesn't mean that you have permission to exceed it. Drink abundance of water to keep your skin well hydrated and elastic.

Acquire your pre natural vitamins. Your body needs further vitamins and minerals at this time therefore taking your vitamins will enhance those needs. It will also assist you to enlarge beautiful skin and hair during your pregnancy.

One more way to keep away from stretch marks is to use creams that contain vitamin E or cocoa butter. Massage these creams on top of your skin where stretch marks are forming. The massaging act itself can raise blood flow to that region and moderate visible stretch marks. There are bounties of creams on the market that declare to lessen the appearance of stretch marks. You might crave to seek numerous to see what works pro you.

Beauty Tips For Teeth

Beauty Tips: Good Teeth Implies Good Health

Strong teeth imply the strong health! Without help of teeth no one could able to eat anything or able to taste anything as they desire.  So it is must to take care of your teeth daily. You must be very care in choosing your tooth paste, which afford strength to the teeth. You are eating as your desire; hence gems are getting into your teeth and slowly damage your teeth. So be careful for now itself!

Beauty Tips For Teeth
Let us observe, how to maintain the teeth by some excellent procedures that given below:
  • First of all you need to learn the system of brushing. If you clean your brush in the systematic manner, then gems won�t stay inside your teeth. All the first, brush your teeth with good quality of brush, which available at all shops now. Brush your teeth gently in the circular manner. At the same time, massage it your finger.
  • You must want to select good quality of tooth paste, which are accessible in the market.
  • Transform you toothbrush once in ninety days.
  • Floss habitually to eliminate the plaque and food debris caught between the teeth.
  • Make use of a mouthwash to formulate certain that your breath is fresh. Position a few drops in lukewarm water and rinse your mouth subsequent to you clean your teeth in the morning.
  • Brush your teeth for two times daily, which is morning and at night before going to bed.
  • visit the famous dentist regularly to clean your teeth.

Startling Gratuity For Hair

Hair is the vital and elegant which partake for the beauty of your face. Each one in this world, especially girls and youths, like to have the shining and attractive hair. In this world, man is respected by his wealth and beauty. So it is the vital to maintain the hair regularly it will aid to manifest the shining hair. Let us go through the important points for excellent maintenance:


  • Comb your hair often especially prior to going to bed at night.
  • Rinse your hair with the shampoo, which contain less chemical effect, at the same time you can use good quality of hair conditioner.
  • Don�t comb your hair after taking bath or when is your wet, if you do this then you hair will break continuously.
  • Avert of using dyes and as an alternative you can use henna.
  • By nature treatment, have a cup of milk every day.
  •  Make a habit of trimming your hair once in two months.
  • Don�t spin your hair tightly.
  • It is must if one like to grow their hair, that is often massage your hair with pure coconut oil.
  • keep away your hair from very hot water or very cool water.
  • Avert your stress. If you have stress in your mind automatically your hair will be loosen.
  • Daily have habit of consuming the spinach in your lunch, it is the best and natural treatment for hair.
  • Have a iron rich foods, vegetables and fruits, which aid to breed your hair fast, at the same time avoid the oily foods.

Make Your Face Bright

One will be respected if they look beauty. This pretty and charming look to be noticed only when they good quality of skin. By following some procedures one can get shining and healthy skin. Let us see the details beneath for the healthy skin:


Prescription page Deng Deng is not uneven:
Prepare the mixture of yogurt and 3 tablespoons of tomato, small number of 3 or blender with yogurt, and tomatoes thoroughly and then facade all over. The space left eye for 15 minutes then dip.

Prescription to reduce facial wrinkles, crow�s feet:
The apple half of the spin in order is absolute lemon juice one teaspoon deposit people together approximately on the face mask and the mask around the eyes, and then leave 10 minutes after it is cleared.

Prescription to polish white face:
Blend yogurt with 1 cup salt, 1 tablespoon of information together to promote the face and other cleanse scrupulously for 5 minutes and then abscond it for a further 5 minutes to obvious out one time a month is good.

How to make the shining face:
Always make the practice to clean your face with apples. Mix together as they leave the mask on his eyes. Abscond it for about 25 minutes afterward rinse.

Natural makeup remover

Are you tired of spending valuable money on a wet piece of cloth? That you will be through in no time to remove your makeup? (After all, money doesn't grow on trees...) Whether you accidentally ran out of makeup remover or are looking to switch to something more natural and gentle on your skin, you are in the right place! 
Makeup removers are essential, if not just as important as the actual makeup. Wearing makeup is a daily ritual for many women, taking it off at the end of the day can seem like a chore. You can now make a homemade makeup remover recipe that is gentle on your skin, as well as easy on the bank account, but is still effective at removing all of your makeup, completely. 

The down side to store-bought removers is that they contain certain chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, irritations, breakouts and even dry out your skin. As well, that constant rubbing and pulling on your skin is unhealthy and can cause premature aging (no one wants that of course, we are trying to keep our skin as young looking for as long as possible). 

However, without a makeup remover all of our towels would have face prints stained into them, we would wake up with raccoon eyes, clogged pores and it would even cause premature signs of aging! As our skin needs a breather from makeup. All in all... we need an effective remover that will do the trick without giving more results then removing our makeup. 

Let's swap out the chemical remover for natural items, and make this apart of our beauty regimen for clean, soft skin that let's you rest peacefully on your pillow at night. 

So are you ready to whip up these removers, that not only get the job done, but are great for your skin at the same time? Let's go! 

I am going to give you three makeup removers that I have not only researched and found to work but have used myself and fell in love with. 

For this makeup remover, the natural items we will be using is milk or plain yogurt, a diary product. This is all you need to gently cleanse the makeup from your face. Grab a cotton ball or a cotton pad. Dip the cotton ball or pad in and apply to your whole face. Gently rub it in your skin and layer it on. Give it a minute to let your skin soak it up. Wash it off with warm water in order to eliminate all makeup residues from your face and down the drain. It will keep your skin smooth and soft in addition to helping you take off your makeup at the end of the day. You can use this one on your whole face. 

 This one may seem a little funny, but give it a try. Mash up a single banana with a tablespoon of milk. (if you do not want as much, you can cut the amounts in half and it will do the job.) Mix it together in a bowl with a spoon. When it has an even consistently, place it all over your face (when you are applying, rub into your skin as well as layer it on evenly all over your face). Leave it on your skin for 10 minutes, then wash it off. Your face will feel soft and smooth and of course makeup-less. 

This next one is using common oil that you already have in your home. The reason oils are so good at removing is because they break down the make-up. Making it easy to wash off! Also, it is gentle and hydrating. It can even break down stubborn waterproof makeup. You can use this one on your whole face as well as your eyes. Extra-virgin olive oil, specifically, is a perfect eye makeup remover, as this can be the hardest to remove. What more can I say then its effective! 

You can use just plain extra-virgin olive oil or you can mix an equal amount of canola oil, and olive oil. A powerful makeup remover is created when these ingredients are mixed together, one that's still all-natural. You don't need much to get the job done with oils, so be careful not to get too much on the cotton ball. Dab your cotton ball or cotton pad into the oil and simply wipe your eye lid and eyelashes or face to remove. Leave it on for 2-3 minuets to allow it to break down the makeup (it will also condition your eyelashes). Rinse with cool water. You can store this in a container so you can use it whenever needed.

I hope these makeup removers help you out in not only removing your makeup but in using more natural items then chemical products. I am always open for any questions or request!  

Homemade Tips For Oliy skin

Oily skin is shiny, thick like greasy and dull colored.It is prone to pimples, blackheads and acne. This type of skin is very irritating and difficult to manage. We have to control our diet for reducing oil. You should drink more water and wash face as much as possible in a day. We could cure oily skin by using some homemade beauty product.
  • Make a paste of 1tsp lemon peel powder,1tsp barley powder, � tsp milk and warm water, Apply it on your face and neck then do gently massage it for some minute, then risen off with warm water.
  • Take 5/6 drop lemon juice, add it 1 tsp of apple juice. Apply it on your face and necks leave it for 15/20 minutes then wash your face with cold water. It will help to reduce oil.
  •  Prepare a pack of 1 egg�s white and 1 tsp honey. Apply this pack on your face. Wash it after 10 to 15 minutes by using cold water.
  • Take 4tsp of mint leaves paste, 1/4 cup ripe papaya, 2tsp of gram flour and � tsp of lime juice. Make a pack and apply on oily skin area, leave it for 10 minutes then wash with cold water.
  • Soak 5 almonds overnight. Paste it on next day morning then add � tsp honey in this paste and apply it face and neck .wash it after 10 minutes.
Instead of these you should follow some tips like
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Sleep 7 to 8 hours per day
  • Do regular exercise 
  • Do not drink soft drinks or alcoholic beverages. Avoid sugar, chocolate, and junk food,sea food,chicken,pork,mutton.
  • Take more fruit, leafy green vegetables in your diet.

Beauty Tips To Sexier Eyebrows

Beauty Tips for Marvelous Eyebrows

Attracting Eyes! This definitely gives the beauty and prettiness for your face. By means of all of the different face shapes that tell how to style your brows can be puzzling, so it is the paramount manner to discover a professional to shape them for you.  Observe and go behind the information�s that are given beneath:

Sexier Eyebrows
  • First you want to conform the shape of your brows, which apt for your face
  • Exactly your eyebrows must initiate straightforwardly above your nostril and it must be end at an angle out from your nostril and arch directly above the outer iris of your eye.
  • For ever and a day maintain them trimmed and well sustained.
  • Tweeze them day after day or include them waxed regarding every three weeks.
  • Utilize a brow powder or quality pencil to remain them filled in and looking shapely.
  • Utilize a colored brow sealer to envelop up gray hairs.
  • Utilize a obvious sealer to maintain curly brow hairs in place.
  • Don�t acquire your eyebrows waxed for at least 24 to 48 hours after tanning.
  • Don�t acquire your eyebrows waxed if your face is tanned.
  • Prior to receiving your eyebrows waxed, check with your physician if you are taking any oral or topical a skin condition medication, as skin may peel.

Beauty tips for Teenage Girls

It�s Correct! Naturally all girls are beautiful and cute. It is the endowment of the God to girls. Each and every girl, all over the world, will take effort to spend lot of money to maintain their beauty. In particular teenage girls are spending more effort and money for make-up. At the same time, they are collecting so many tips to sustain their beauty. Read out the most up-to-date and priceless beauty tips for teenage girls:

Beauty tips for Teenage Girls
Obtain Special Care Of Your Skin
No matter how greatly makeup you put on. Your skin may seem to be bad if you don't take care of it suitably. Formulate certain methods to clean your face at night with cleanser to eradicate the oil and dirt from your skin. Also moisturize your skin subsequent to wash it to keep it soft and supple.

Don't exceed Your Makeup
Many teen girls don't appreciate that less is more when it comes to wearing makeup. As an alternative of buttress on eye shadow and blush, keep it simple. Even out your skin tone with highlighted moisturizer and add pink blush to the apples of your cheeks. Make your eyes stand out with gold eye shadow and a combine of coats of black mascara. Concern light pink or nude lip gloss to your lips and you are all set to go.

Keep Your Hair Moisturized and Healthy
One of the most significant beauty tips a teen girl must know is to keep the hair moisturized and vigorous. To realize this, you should get your hair trimmed each two months and keep the heat styling to a smallest amount. If your hair is feeling dry and damaged, regard as deep-conditioning your hair on one occasion a week. Fortunately you don't encompass to spend money on an expensive deep conditioner if you have olive oil accessible. Warm up 1/4 cup of olive oil in the microwave for 30 seconds and concern the treatment to your hair. Abscond the olive oil in your hair for 30 minutes and dip it out with shampoo.

Beauty Tips For Fair Skin Tone of Hand and Feet

Ladies always have the eager to take care of their feet and hands. Because this caring will give beautiful glance to their face.  They will maintain their nails by coding with nail polish and they will regularly shape the nails in the hands and feet for the bright skin. Let us go through some of the valuable tips for healthy hand and feet.

Acquire one table spoon of milk powder, honey and lemon juice and combine them and be relevant on the hands, feet and face including neck and go away for 20 minutes and then wash off. This will give a fresher look to your skin.

Beauty Tips Feet and Hand

Compose a glue of gram flour, milk powder, lemon juice, honey, rose water and grinded almonds following getting soaked for the whole night. In addition append some turmeric in this paste and apply on the hands, feet and face and leave for half an hours and afterward wash off with cold water and make out significant dissimilarity in your complexion.

Some priceless commands for maintaining hands and feet:

  • Carry on your hands and feet moisturized as a result of using some herbal lotion of creams.
  • Make use of gloves at the same time as working at home in particular in the kitchen and garden. Keep away from using nail polish on habitual basis and remove the nail polish after attending the events.
  • Wipe the cucumber or Aloe Vera on the skin for better feel and fresher skin.
  • Don�t put on open shoes in the winter season and acquire suitable care of heels and avoid them from cracking. This gives a bad glance.

Dry hair mask

Now introducing hair masks! 

Yes, there are not only facial masks but ones for your hair as well that will give you amazing effects. The great thing is that they are all natural. Forget the expensive commercial products that can do more damage than good to your hair. Treat your hair and yourself. 

There are so many different masks out there using all kinds of items. What I am going to concentrate on in this post is dry hair. No one wants dry hair. Dry hair looks unhealthy and is prone to split ends and is hard to brush and style. You may also have dry scalp. Masks do double duty because they treat the hair and scalp at the same time.  

Is your hair dry and brittle? Is the color dull and lacking luster? Do you feel that your hair is getting dry and suffering from the dry heat of your home? Or because the cold winter has forced you to wear hats when going out, or just because your hair is stressed? 

It's winter, and the weather outside is frightful (now we don't want your hair to look the same), but that is no reason why your hair can't still look and feel shiny, smooth and most importantly, hydrated. If you are experiencing dryness due to the cold winter air or just because that is how your hair is, there is help on the way!

Take a look around in your kitchen and let's grab some ingredients to make this winter hair mask to get your hair back to being moist and rejuvenated. The good news is, you don't have to spend hardly any money or buy chemical products to achieve the results you want. 

  So let's get down to seeing why these ingredients are good and getting you on your way to healthy hair. (this is not only for people with damaged or dry hair, everyone and anyone needs to treat and nourish their hair regularly.)

  • When it's time to deep condition your hair and save your money it is time to bring out the mayonnaise hair treatment. You can get even better results with something that you most likely already have in your refrigerator than what you would get out of a pricey chemical treatment. 
  • The popularity of mayonnaise for conditioning your hair is due to the fact of the three main ingredients it contains (eggs, vinegar and oil) they are all great for restoring your hair's natural and must needed moisture.  
  • It contains a ton of oils and proteins that your hair needs.  
  • Its wonderful means of conditioning and treating your hair. 
  • Adds luster and vitality to dry hair. 
  • It's a traditional natural treatment for dry hair that restores moisture and shine. It also helps provide volume. 
  • When you treat your hair with mayonnaise, you get the benefit of L-cysteine. (an amino acid and powerful antioxidant found in eggs that can give your hair strength, shine and structure.) 

  • Helps the hair to recreate and repair itself.
  • Makes your hair stronger and shinier.
  • Delivers proteins and conditions your hair (because it is so rich in essential vitamins).
  • Smooths and gives off a silky healthy appearance.
  • Also helps prevent hair fall out and breakage (no body wants that).  
  • Eggs are good for all types of hair whether you have oily, normal or dry hair (egg yolk is specifically used for dry hair).
  • Provides volume, shine and hydration (what more could you want?) 

Olive oil: 
  • Nourishes, conditions and improves the strength and elasticity of your hair.
  • It is a completely natural product; therefore, treating yourself with it will help reduce the stress caused by chemical products and improve the health of your hair overall. Because it is stress- reducing and health promoting it works as an amazing deep conditioner.
  • Healthy, clean and more manageable hair (yes please!)
  • Believe it or not it helps with dandruff. It helps you calm it down and control it.
  • Gives you that desired shine and strength.
  • Natural oils work wonders on your hair. They add a sleek shine and cost much less than professional products. 

  • Most of us know honey as a delicious, sticky and sweet product that we use in the kitchen for cooking and as an ingredient to make our tea taste good. But, when it comes to using honey for other things like on our skin or hair, we may raise an eyebrow. So hang in there and wait till you hear what it does!
  • It it stuffed full of vitamins and minerals, and it is even antibacterial so that it has incredible healing properties. 
  • It acts as a humectant (attracts moisture); therefore it locks in hydration and makes your hair smooth (it relaxes the cuticle so your hair feels soft and looks shiny).
  • Nourishes and enriches your hair.
  • It is food for your hair. (Or should I say a dessert?)

Now that we know what these magical ingredients do and what you can expect to see, let's get down to making it! I will pre-warn you, some of this may seem silly, but trust me once you see and feel the effects you will be glad you did it. 

In addition to the ingredients mentioned above, grab two towels and a shower cap or plastic wrap (yup the same one you use to wrap food... trust me). Before we get cracking down on the mask, take those two towels and pop them in the dryer to warm them up; we will use them in just a bit! 

Take 1/3 of a cup of mayonnaise and put it in a bowl. Add 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and lastly 2 tablespoons of honey. (I like to do the olive oil first so the honey won't stick to the tablespoon.) Mix it well! You should have a nice creamy consistency. If you have really thick or long hair, double the batch and it should be more than enough. Also, if you have really oily hair, don't add as much on the scalp and on the roots, focus more on the strands and tips. (about an inch from the roots).

Split your hair into sections to insure that every strand will get the mask. Apply it to your whole head and comb through. It may be hard to brush through because of the honey, but it's alright; whip out those mad brushing skills.

Ok, done with that? Here comes the fun part! Gather all your hair on top of your head and grab your shower cap or plastic wrap and cover all of your hair. Remember those towels in the dryer? Get one of them and wrap it around the shower cap or plastic wrap. Leave the other one in there still running. (I know you look beautiful right now, just remember it's worth it!) You may be wondering why the shower cap or plastic wrap? Simple. It enhances the effects of the mask. The heat from the towel opens the cuticle of your hair and gives you an even deeper conditioning, allowing you to get the full benefits out of the mask. 

Leave it in for at least 30 minutes, switching towels 15 minutes into it. Take the one that is still in the dryer and wrap it around your head and take the other one off.  Deep conditioning treatments need to be left on your hair longer than daily conditioners to give your hair a chance to soak in the vitamins and benefits that improve your hair's appearance and condition. 

Once your time is up, wash out and shampoo and condition as normal. Even when washing it out you should be able to feel a difference.

Now that you are a deep conditioning believer, make it a habit! Any type of hair can benefit from a good deep conditioning. Very damaged or dry hair should be given a good, deep conditioning treatment once a week or more. I hope you enjoy this and that it helps the condition, feel and look of your hair. 

Beauty Tips For Hair


  • Wash hair with tea once in a week.
  • Massage the Scalp with pure coconut oil. This will also help growth of hair.
  • Apply a mixture of gooseberry juice and almond oil with finger tips on the scalp.
  • Take five petal hibiscus flower and crush the leaves and take the juice. Wash the hair with this juice.
  • Boil a hibiscus flower in coconut oil. Filter and use this hair oil to control hair loss and thinning.
  • Add a lemon peel to a 'shikakai' and 'amla' mixture while washing your hair.
  • Apply castor oil for a healthy growth of hair.
  • Egg white is a good conditioner for hair.
  • Deep condition with curd, beer and egg.
  • Henna is a herbal treatment with good conditioning for hair.

Beauty tips for Sparkling Eyes

Marvelous Beauty tips for gleaming Eyes
Eyes are the main and beautiful parts of our face. Good-looking eyes make the good looking of our face. So caring eyes is must for each and every one in this world. First of all, eat the foods which have comprises in Vitamin A and C.
In the mean time you must want to take care about the Make-Up sets that used for eyes. Select the make-up items, which match for your eyes perfectly. Let�s see some of the prominent procedures to take care of your eyes.
Sparkling Eyes
Information 1: saturate one spoon of Gooseberry powder with a cup of water for the night. In the morning put in a cup of plain water to this mixture. Spray the eyes with this to afford an eyecup.
Information 2: Plunge a pad of cotton wool inside the Rose water and add 2 to 3 drops of Castor oil. Apply this soaked pads on the eyelids and settle down for 15 to 20 minutes.
Information 3: spray your eyes with the tea solutions to make your eyes strained and cooled.
Information 4: Cotton pads curved in with the cold tea solution and positioned on the eyelids at the same time as relaxing.
Information 5: Daily drink plenty of water, which will make to obtain your health fine and keep you away from the diseases.
Information 6: Sleep daily for at least seven hours to get sufficient rest for your organs.
Information 7: Smoking will kill not only the smoker but also the surrounding so Stop smoking by this times itself.
Information 8: Commonly ladies like to make-up their eyes, which give beauty to their face, so use eye creams that contain the antioxidant vitamin C.
Information 9: Use a Vitamin K based eye treatment twice a day for a few weeks, which will make your eyes bright for the long period that you won�t get a chance to wear the power glass. 

Outstanding Tips for lips

Beauty Tips for lips:

Lips! It is the essential and attractive part of our face. Can you able to imagine our face without lips? We can�t. So maintaining our lips is most important in this period. Because we can�t able to eat, speak or even smile lacking of jaws. If your lips look great than your face seem to be cute.

Furthermost step to take care of your lips is to drink plenty amount of water every day. This will make your lips to keep away from dryness otherwise it will become dried out. In the mean time, you must also take fresh vegetables and fruits to craft your lips beauty so long. If you consume fresh fruits and vegetables then your lips become reddish color naturally.


The main step to avoid, preserving the lips, is to keep away from alcohol and smoking. The main reason to avert alcohol is because it develops dehydration in body and as well as lips. So keep practicing these steps from now still with no delay. Don�t yet lick your lips for giving wetness; this manner will amplify too much dryness on lips. For ever and a day use lip balm to protect yours lip.
Lips can�t maintain in the single day but it is the process to follow it day by day. To make your lips soft and good look you must apply the mixture of almond oil and honey. You may also apply the mixture of petals of Gulab, mash them and mix them in milk, this paste put on your lips, and your lips would be red.

Beauty tips For Face Pimples

Beauty Tips: Valuable treatment for pimples

Pimples are the main gloomy matter for all the human beings especially for youths. Adolescence has wondering here and there to get ride for the pimples in their faces. But it is not a crucial matter in this medicinal world. The person who have pimple in their faces they need to follow some producer that�s all enough for the treatment. Pimples may appear in all parts of our body especially like face, neck, chest and shoulders.

face pimples

You can see some of valuable tips for the pimples treatments for face..
  • Combine one tablespoon groundnut oil with one tablespoon unsullied lime juice to avert development of blackheads and pimples
  • Compose orange peel paste by crush it in some water. Apply on and around pimples
  • Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix up with new lime juice, and pertain on pimples. This is also excellent methodology for treating pimples
  • Comprise the crushed ice and astringent on pimples on faces
  • Mix together honey and tomato juice and remain on your face for not less than 10 to 15 minutes. This will assist to make old marks left by a pimple outbreak.
  • Formulate a paste of salt in vinegar. Wipe it on the pimples. Wash it off later than 20 to 30 minutes with warm water.
  • Make use of oil free cosmetics and make up on your face to keep away from pimples.
  • The paramount medicine for pimples is friction neem leaves with clean turmeric. Concern this paste on pimples.
  • Tulsi is an immense medicine for treating pimples. Immediately grind tulsi leaves and pertain on pimples.

Home Made Beauty Tips for Kissable lips

Beauty is not successful without smile on your face. Everyone should be add smile as a beauty part. For broad smile you need to have soft,flexible and pink lips which is the most attractive part on your face. That�s why you have to care of your lips by using some home made natural beauty recipes.
How to make your lips pink?
To prepare a mixture of equal quantity of tomato paste,heavy cream and add pink lip color. Apply it on your lips every day. You can see changes your lips color after some days. You could also use the red rose petal with glycerin for red lips and apply it on your lips and leave it for some minutes and wash it cold water.
How to make your lips flexible?   

 Make a scrub by adding equal parts of olive oil,sugar, apply it on lips in a circular motion then rub it. You can remove dead skin by gently brush with tooth brush on everyday. You would be get flexible and smooth and kissable lips. 

How to prepare home made lip balm?

Take one teaspoon bee wax, and melt it by using micro oven, then add one tsp of apricot or calendula oil. And stirring it properly . Leave it for Cooling in room temperature. Add few drops of essential oil. Finally keep this mixture in a tightly glass jar or lip balm cylinder. You can use as lip balm everyday. There is no side effect.

Beauty Secrets for your Skin

Beauty Tips for Aloe Vera:

Ever since the days of ancient times, the Aloe Vera plant has been a accepted curing remedy for many different category of diseases and circumstances and also as an serve in the promotion of superior health. With no a doubt, Aloe Vera's most in style use is in the encouragement of health and healing for the skin. But do we actually appreciate how truly amazing this plant really is and what it does for us in civilizing the health and healing of our skin?

aloe vera

Look below for some of the in creditable of Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera makes good the skin: Aloe Vera give support to in the healing of wounds, frostbite and burns including sunburn. It is also able to penetrate the skin's layers to diminish pain, inflammation and amplify blood flow to the affected area.

Aloe Vera moisturizes the skin: its capability to go in the layers of the skin simply and be fascinated quickly, aloe helps to balance the skin's own natural pH level, which is required for smooth, healthy looking skin.

Aloe Vera conditions the skin: it contains important vitamins and nutrients that are proficient to be carried to and reach and the deep deepest layers of the skin, thereby healing and conditioning the skin from the inside out.

Aloe Vera struggle aging: it restrain natural anti-oxidants such as vitamins A, C and E which are widely known and used right through the cosmetics industry to facilitate lessen the difficult signs of aging in the skin and also to help pick up and make tighter the skin's by and large elasticity.

Aloe Vera uphold healthy skin: it has contain its own normal enzymes which have the potential of ridding the skin of dead skin cells and relieve in the endorsement of healthy, new skin cell growth.