Beauty Tips For Fair Skin Tone of Hand and Feet

Ladies always have the eager to take care of their feet and hands. Because this caring will give beautiful glance to their face.  They will maintain their nails by coding with nail polish and they will regularly shape the nails in the hands and feet for the bright skin. Let us go through some of the valuable tips for healthy hand and feet.

Acquire one table spoon of milk powder, honey and lemon juice and combine them and be relevant on the hands, feet and face including neck and go away for 20 minutes and then wash off. This will give a fresher look to your skin.

Beauty Tips Feet and Hand

Compose a glue of gram flour, milk powder, lemon juice, honey, rose water and grinded almonds following getting soaked for the whole night. In addition append some turmeric in this paste and apply on the hands, feet and face and leave for half an hours and afterward wash off with cold water and make out significant dissimilarity in your complexion.

Some priceless commands for maintaining hands and feet:

  • Carry on your hands and feet moisturized as a result of using some herbal lotion of creams.
  • Make use of gloves at the same time as working at home in particular in the kitchen and garden. Keep away from using nail polish on habitual basis and remove the nail polish after attending the events.
  • Wipe the cucumber or Aloe Vera on the skin for better feel and fresher skin.
  • Don�t put on open shoes in the winter season and acquire suitable care of heels and avoid them from cracking. This gives a bad glance.