Glowing Skin Tips For Summer

Healthy looking skin is a must have during summer time.
In Summer we need to take extra care of our skin because we frequently go in sun. So, we must take proper care of our skin as well. I am writing below few easy to do Home Remedies to protect and make your skin look more glowing and healthy.


Potato Method:
Grate a potato and take a thin piece of cloth. Lie down and place the cloth on the face. On the cloth, place the grated potato. Spread the grated potato in such a manner that it spreads all over the face evenly. Leave it on for 20 minutes. This is also a good home remedy for white heads and to improve the complexion of the skin. You can spread the potato grating on eyes also. This will remove the dark circles around the eyes. 

Cucumber Method: Cut the cucumber in pieces and apply it on your face. Cucumber will lighten the skin color. Being a good coolant, it will relax your face and eyes. During summer this will give a great relief for the face. 

Poppy Seeds Method: Take one spoon of poppy seeds and 2 almonds. Grind both into fine powder. Apply few drops of milk and make it into a paste. Apply this paste on the face. This is one of the best remedy for beautiful wrinkle free skin. Try this once a week. Almond rich in vitamin E will nourish your skin and gives a natural glow.
Apple Method: Whenever you are preparing apple milk shake, take 2 teaspoon of this milk shake before adding sugar. Apply this apple milk mixture on the face. This is an excellent fruit therapy for beautiful skin.  

Tomato Juice Method: Take 2 teaspoons of tomato juice. Add a teaspoon of honey. Apply this on the face for 10 minutes. Wash with warm water to have a fresh looking face. 

Radish Method: Grate radish and take the juice out of it. Apply this juice directly on the face leaving the eye part. It will give some burning sensation if there are more white heads. Leave it for 5 or 10 minutes depending on how much you can with hold the burning sensation and the fuming smell of radish. Then wash your face with plain water. Do not apply soap. Do it for a week daily and see the difference in your face. If you find any blemishes on your skin, do not continue with this remedy. This method will remove white heads and give a glow and fairness to your skin.