Feet is the essential part of the body. Most of the people are not bother about the feet. Everyone should be cautious about your feet like how to keep your feet smooth and beautiful. You can make it smooth by using some some quality branded product and also kitchen product. Home made product is cheaper than market product. And also home product does not have any side effect.
Take 1 cup lemon juice add 2 tsp olive oil and � cup of milk. You can add rose petals only for smell.After that take some amount of water on the tub and add that mixture and soak your feet. After some time wash your feet by using mild soap. If you will do like that once a week, you can get the smooth and silky beautiful feet.
Take 1 cup lemon juice add 2 tsp olive oil and � cup of milk. You can add rose petals only for smell.After that take some amount of water on the tub and add that mixture and soak your feet. After some time wash your feet by using mild soap. If you will do like that once a week, you can get the smooth and silky beautiful feet.