Home remedies are great when you don't want to spend money to buy those over the counter expensive products.
Get rid of Pimple Scars
- Apply cocoa butter
- Apply Vitamin E
VITAMIN E Easily available in market ( best to remove any kind of scars ) |
Skin Care
- Remedy for oily skin:
Make a homemade mask by combining one egg white and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply mask and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes - For softer skin, steam your face over boiling water (drape a towel over head to hold in steam); remove dead skin with a loofah, drink lots of water
- To rid blackheads, mix cornstarch with vinegar, plaster on the area for 15-30 minutes; wash off with washcloth and warm water.
- To help skin glow, place hot towels on skin for 10 minutes, then splash face with cold water 10 times
- Rub cucumber peel (wet side up) on your face and leave on overnight to cure acne